Playing With Ravens
- Hey No! Look at this! Magnificent!
- Hoï Lou! It’s even Putrefescent!
- Uh, do that word has a meaning or just exist?
- Dunno, I said it for the rhyme. So what’s magnificent, dear Lou?
- Noah dear, didn’t you see the massive beast near the house?
- I doubt you meant the horse, dear Lou?
- Noah dear, of course not, and there were two of them when my beast is alone.
- So maybe … the pig? No, no way you called that a massive beast.
- I’m beginning to doubt about your intellect Noah dear.
- Sorry dear Lou, but if I didn’t see it … ooh! You mean the Bull!
- Ah, better, it’s better! A bull could fit the bill, but no. No, that’s not the magnificent one.
- What else, what else…
I was on my spot, hearing the two ravens debating on the top of the blackened trunk. Then there was a sound of a flapping of wings.
- Aah! What a cheat you are! Taking another pick to find out!
- The dog! Dear Lou, the dog! How grandiose a beast!
- Aah! You finally saw it! Even if you had to cheat for that.
- Let’s go, let’s go! I want to play with it!
- So excited! So suddenly! And Noah dear, what’s your bet today?
- Let’s say three hours! But come, dear Lou! Let’s go! Let’s go! Before he vanished somewhere else!
- I’m betting more on two hours!
- Only two? For a beast that size?
- Come one Noah dear! You know as I that’s nothing to do with size, but mental fortitude!
- Never mind! Let’s go! Let’s play! Let’s go! Let’s play!
- Oh dear!
Following the flapping of wings, two new voices started chirping from another location.
- Say Lex, is it really a dog? Are we looking at the same beast as them?
- Dunno, but we’ll have an answer pretty fast.
- But that can’t possibly be a dog, right?
- I saw smaller donkeys than that one.
- Right! Me too!
- Oh look! Louise started the game.
- Ow, even with a leather skin, it must hurt.
- Did it? Have a leather skin?
- How could I know? As you, I see only all his hair. Too much hair anyway!
- If they continue plucking his hair out of his tail, we will see it, maybe.
- Perhaps … hey! You remember the other day when you wanted to play with a dog?
- I wanted to play? You were the one who wanted it!
- What? That was you! Ooh never mind! I’m just glad we didn’t find one!
- Uuh? Why?
- The size! Look at the size! Too much, too big! That one could kill us in one bit without thinking about it. I heard that dogs could take different sizes, but that one is definitely too big!
- But look! If they can do it? Why can’t we! Look! they plucked so much hair from it than they could make a coat with.
- Well, I’m sure, I can’t at least do it like they do! If you wanted to be gnawed to death, go ahead! I won’t follow you today.
- Aah! They make it mad! It started chasing after them!
- Aah, stupid beast, it just did exactly what they wanted.
- I so want to be able to do as they do.
- Hum, let’s stick to what we know. It’ll be too stupid to die trying to copy them.
- But they look so cool!
- I know right! But no, it’s not good.
- Yeah! You still have to learn how to hunt rabbit after all!
- What! Rabbit! Hoï! You still use that excuse again?
- Again? And it’s not my excuse, it’s yours!
- Hoï! come back here stupid bird! I still have things to say! Hoï!
- Don’t care, come on! Let’s hunt something!
And me? I watched it all from my spot. Louise was right, it took two hours for the dog to completely surrender and stop moving at all, surrounded by two ravens and a new carpet of his own hair. And as he stops moving, the two ravens, who were tormenting it, one at a time, stopped their game. It was no longer fun after all.