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Chapter 4

A blind, lost in the well-seeing crowd or a one-eyed surrounded by blinds.

The day the ostrich came to us, I was busy hunting for food. From afar, all I saw, first, was a cloud of dust until it reaches the pond in a spectacular splash of water. I waited until the water calm down a bit before coming nearer the commotion. On the shore, there was the strangest and most bizarre creature I have ever seen. Imagine! A standard roundish cloud, then from the right, starts a long, long neck going up, the same size as your cloud, without even a feather on it. And then, you got that head of sort, the size of a sparrow, enormous, globulous-shaped eyes and a beak like a duck! On the other side, the downside of your cloud, you got the legs, as long as the neck. But not the thin and elegant leg a bird can have! But a massive muscular leg with a heavy and large foot! What a monster!

And what is that monster doing? Well, he’s not moving, seeming completely exhausted. Then he started digging a kind of hole with his beak in the mud. And then, he hides his head in it?

From afar, suddenly, we could hear the piercing shriek of some harriers.

- You think she drowned in there?

- Would be boring. But I must admit, the sight of her crashing like that in that pond was spectacular.

- So true. Oh look! She’s still there. Mmh, and seems alive too.

- Nice! With a bit of rest, I’m sure we can make her run again like a madthing. Let’s rest a bit too.

On the pond, scared to death by that sudden arrival, the ducks were finding a bit of courage to approach the creature, only to flee, quacking madly, when the beast abruptly get on her feet, munching an insect. She was hunching her head a bit, looking at the duck quite dumbfounded.

- Hi, she said! I’m ‘Elegancy In Shape And Manner Befitting A Royal Bird Of My Magnificent Stature!’ But you can call me Elly if you prefer!
And that’s how the ostrich came to us, with the two harriers.

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