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12 - Chapter 12
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Chapter 12

Half fools, fool me not.

Something weird is happening lately. You know how it could usually be hard to sneak in or out of those kinds of compound with the guards, fences with barbed wire, and even sometimes the security patrols. But that one is so remote in the middle of nowhere that they don’t really bother with that.
There is just some small wire between some poles here and there to mark the limit of the domain and that’s all. Usually they don’t want us to look at how the world is outside, and the normal and rich faces don’t want to meddle with us, trash. But around here, there is more fish in the ponds than houses on the horizon so…

I think it’s in the progress of backfiring.

I don’t know what happened in the big exterior but a bunch of faces start appearing at the gates entrance, waving signs, protesting our presences. Nothing new in the world, but what usually kept us going out, forbid them to barge in too. See? But here?

Some faces found their way into some classrooms I’ve been told and started showing to the mad kids we are how civilised they could be. I even heard some at the gate shouting about burning the wicked witch and how some god couldn’t endure our presence anymore.

Last time I opened a bible, I thought it talked more about how not to fight than burning kids but well, like I told you, never try to understand adult faces. It’s just sometimes, you know, I couldn’t avoid to ask myself who is the maddest between us and them.

But all that agitation gave me an idea for my birdies. I needed a story about how their group became like a family. What happened to forge those links between them before the wedding. And I figure an invasion could do the trick. What do you think? Could be nice, and they all fight to fend the bad guys off. Kinda like with the rodent but on a bigger scale.

I saw the head persecutor again today. It seems to me he began to morph into an inquisitor of sort. Annoying. He told me there are some girls missing in the villages around and that’s why people are shooting at our doors. Like I’d care. He also wanted more about my birdies. It’s becoming really, really annoying. What truth could he possibly find in there? But I can’t antagonise him, I started liking the life here a little bit. I don’t want him to shut me down in a report and we came back to the time when they needed to watch me 24/7. it’ll drive me crazy again pretty fast like always. Too much thought and stares without respite.

But see? I started to like those birds too, and the fact that this fake smiling face of him wanted to know more about them started to piss me off. They’re mine. But the more I’m reluctant to give him what he wants, to more aggressive he becomes. I don’t want to start hating the birdies by echoes because of him. That would suck badly.

The girl, Ellie, didn’t come lately, but with the barbarians at our gates, it’s easy to figure why. Believe it or not, but somehow I missed her. Even if I don’t understand more than a few words here and there when she’s talking, I’m surprised I so easily got used to listen to her while I’m writing or reading a book. I kinda like the music of her voice.

By the way, I ended my readings about that story on the musketeers, well, only the first part but that’s enough. I couldn’t understand a word of it. How would people act that way and do those things? It’s beyond me. The only thing good in there were the fights. Those were nice even if I don’t understand why the servants are armed with knives or sticks and not proper swords or pistols like their masters.

The teach want us to write something about those musketeers. I doubt saying that the fights were good will be enough. Maybe I could try asking Ellie. If I leave her a note somewhere? Will she answered it? Well, maybe not, stupid idea. You know as a friend you’re supposed to tell me not to dream too much like that, like a fool of sort.

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