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Chapter 6

I thought they could think

Regularly, there are some pigeons who came here, asking if that place was the promised heaven. I usually answer with no, because there is no description who can fit for those birds lack of intelligence. It’s a bother just to talk to them. So, of course, I answered that’s not the place, and as always, I haven’t finished talking that the bird was already in the air. Talk about courtesy or common decency. A bother, I told you.

But one day, I tried to say yes. And what could that ‘heaven’ be in the first place? I wanted to know. Oh dear, why didn’t I keep my beak closed that day?

So it started like the same as ever, with a flock of pigeons surrounding you and asking insistently if you know a place called heaven, again, and again, and again, and again, until, exhausted, you finally answered something. Excepted that time, I said yes!

Then every pigeon around started screaming madly, flapping their wings, jumping randomly. But even with their mind full of madness, they didn’t let me go. I was still at the centre of their attention. They were running hammock all around me, all shouting at the same time, wanting to know where it was. If that was true? How did I know that? If I’m single or not. Some ever proposed to me on the spot. Pure madness. So I ran away.

I did the same as I saw the ravens do one day. I just jumped from the tree and aimed for the floor falling like a rock. Then at the ultimate last moment, I started flapping my wing, the sole of my foot grazing at the surface of the water of the pond. I aimed right between Ellie and the ducks, passing by them at max speed. Then slowly, I started gaining altitude and watched behind me. Some pigeons tried to follow me, still shooting about their heaven. But my surprised move startled most of them and only one was currently in flight, trying actively to follow me from an upper height.

It’s been a while I lived here from now, I supposed you could say I know the place pretty well. I was sure I can lose him easily, especially if I led him on the human settlement nearby. And I did just that. The pigeon didn’t even bother to enter the place. He stays afar, searching for me from high when I was resting on a window sill. I even knew that the human here will give me some food if I sing for a while. But I wasn’t in the mood today. I waited a bit, and when the pigeon finally left, I waited a bit more. Only then did I go back to our nest.

And there? Surprise! The pigeons were still here! All talking happily about their heaven between them. None of them seem to recognise me, but one of them turned to me.

- Hey birdie! You’re new here, right? Be advise that that place is known as the promised bird heaven! It was finally found after all those years!

In here every bird of the creation could come and lay rest freely! We’re the manager of the place by the way! So feel free to come to us if you have any question! In the meantime, watch around a bit, find your own spot and have a nice day!

Copying the harriers who copied the ravens, I got only one thing to say.

“Oh dear … what have I done?”

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