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Chapter 8

From the Deep

The girl came back, again and again. Probably to spend time between two lessons from the school. I’m supposed to attend to that school too by the way. As if I could. It’s not like I don’t study anything, but I do it by myself and my own way. As long as my grades are still in the green, nobody cares, like I told you.

I spent most of the day half asleep on my secret base. Going there before dawn and coming back after dark. And that’s in nighttime that I mostly do everything I can’t do in my base like grabbing stuff.

Because of her, I got the feeling that it’s no longer My secret base. At least, it’s still a secret for the rest of the world. I hope.

Lately, I started to study birds, they’re in so many shapes and colours, it’s amazing. They also got those strange name I assume no one could pronounce correctly from the first try. It’s so strange a name and foreign, that it seems like an occult incantation of sort to me. Kind of like…
Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R’lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn !

Then I waited.

No tentacles, no monsters from the deep, nothing came out of the pond. Too boring.

Who taught me those words? That’s mother before…

Well, she told me that if someday, someone makes fun about how I’m not well dressed enough, or about my necklace, I’ll have to recite those words to them. It’s supposed to make them flee on the spot I surmise, at least, if they know where that come from. Something like that, probably. Never try to know what an adult is thinking anyway, it’s only a loss of time.

What about my necklace? Mom gave it to me, she said she has it from way back when she was a kid herself. She loved monster’s stories, so when she saw that one in a store, she supposedly jumped on it. It’s a small silver chain, with a lot of medals on it, each one being the symbols of one of the bad beasts from Lovecraft’s stories. All the old ones. And I know my prayers too! Mom made sure I learned them all by heart when I was still a small kid. It was like a game between us. Mom was weird? Maybe.

So, the girl came back, and no! She kept her dress on! Err, when she was not swimming I mean … or sunbathing.

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