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Chapter 7

About a girl

A girl came crashing on the pond today. When you know the land around here, it’s not hard to figure why. Even I was surprised to see water here the first time, I almost jump on the pond by accident too, and I wasn’t at full speed like her.

She was running from two guys. They probably tried to bully her, or something like that, but when they saw how it ended, they ran away. When she gets off the water, she was covered in dirt, soaking wet and looking like on the verge of crying. They’ll be badly punished by the tormentors if they’re caught in the act. So they just ran, probably more scared than the girl now.

But as soon as the boys ran away than the girls dropped the act, whipping her non-existent tears before undressing herself, finishing half naked, keeping only the underwear of sort she got. She then cleaned of the dirt and put the rags they called a dress around here on the bench, below the willow, letting it dry.

She spent a long time in the water after that, chasing after the ducks, or just sunbathing under the tree. That gave me an idea of a story by the way, and no! Not a porn one! What are you thinking! Even if, yes! I admit I was happy to see a girl so close like that, but no! It wasn’t a porn story!

I loved those moments, when I can finally see the world without being hurt, without fearing this or that, but I’m not so fool as to think I can show myself, hoping for the situation to stay the same, that maybe, we could talk or play together. No, I’m not so fool, not anymore I mean.

After a while, the girl started talking to herself. Well, that’s not so rare in that corner of the world. Not I’m one to judge, how could I? Not like I’m the sanest being around here after all.

Too bad, I’m too far, I would have preferred to hear clearly what she said. But for that, I’ll have to go down a bit on the tree and she’ll see me for sure.
By the way, I’m pretty sure that I’m invisible from the ground. I checked it again and again, from different points of view. From the ground, we can see nothing but the trunk, the tree leaves, and of course, the planks I put up there. And that’s those who mostly hide me from view, that and the tree leaves I put everywhere to make like some walls. As long as I don’t put my head where it doesn’t have to be, I’ll be fine.

So I was pretty sure the girl was talking to herself, and not to me. And in addition, if she, per chance, saw me up there. I really doubt she would stay that calm and just try to talk to me, especially when wearing only her underwear. I just got the hellish scene in my mind where she goes screaming her lungs out after me, attracting all the tormentors and other hell keepers around, to send them after me, their head full of blood lust. No, no, I’m pretty sure she doesn’t know I was here. And that’s the way it should be. And even if? What could I possibly say to her? She’ll just be a face then and no longer a girl I can look at and talk to anyway.

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